Let's Reconstruct the Bahamas!
December 04, 2019

Let's Reconstruct the Bahamas!

Image of Family with children enjoying the sun on their Yacht.


Join us for a festive holiday happy hour! Enjoy a night of music, food, and raising funds for the chance to win great prizes!

When: December 13th 2019

Where: 4550 Anglers Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312

Help us reconstruct the Marine Industry in the Bahamas! Show your support by attending our Casino Night on December 13th, 2019!  

It seems the Holidays show up and then disappear in the bat of an eye. The holidays bring about many splendid opportunities to share a good time with our loved ones and create many fond memories that will spend a lifetime in our minds. We should give thanks for all the blessings we hold within our lives and to not ever take any of them for granted.

This year we decided to do something a bit different. We want to give back to those who have nothing. All the money raised or donated during this fundraiser will go back to the reconstruction efforts in the Bahamas. It's important to remember to the real reason for the holidays.

If you cannot attend the event or would like to provide additional support, please call (954) 894-9895 to make a donation. Your donation is greatly appreciated! 


Don't wait until the last minute, get your tickets today!


 We are partnered with:

   Image 0593:

For more information about this foundation, visit their website here.


December 04, 2019

Let's work together

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