Hurricane Season in here
June 02, 2016

Hurricane Season in here

Image of Family with children enjoying the sun on their Yacht.

Hurricane season began June 1. Although we've been lucky the last few years, we must never let our guard down. Let's not forget that Hurricane Andrew struck South Florida during one of these “slow” periods!

Most insurance companies require that the boat owner provide them with a Hurricane Plan. Hurricane plans should include consideration of the security of your marina or dock location. In addition to a plan for your insurance, boaters (and everyone else!) ought to have their own Hurricane Preparedness Plans. A great template to work from has been provided by the NOAA website and you can download it right here.

There are many things you can do right now to be prepared for a hurricane. Don’t procrastinate on this!! Take care of your preparations now, and you'll have much smoother sailing later.

June 02, 2016

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